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Hi! Welcome to my website! I am Zhendan Shang

I built this website using HTML, CSS and Javascript (sadly Github Pages does not let me use Angular or php) to showcase my various projects and interests.

I am a Geophysicist (2:1 BSc Geophysics from Imperial) currently completing a Masters in Applied Computational Science and Engineering.

For the newest projects, I need to spare time to make the images pretty, so many projects will have placeholder images.

I write code to solve scientific problems using numerical simulations. I use Python (numpy, matplotlib, PyTorch etc.) for visualizations and machine learning, C++ (OpenMP, MPI etc.) for parallelization and memory managements and Fortran with BLAS and LAPACK for complicated matrix algebra.

While I am proficient in using pillow, matplotlib and gnuplot for visualization, I can also "prettify" these images using GIMP, Inkscape and Photoshop for final presentation. While I am also proficient in using the Office suite, for most of my workload, I have replaced Word with LaTeX and Excel with python numpy, matplotlib and pandas. The large documents on this website are going to be written in LaTeX and published as pdf, for portability reasons.

I also built computers to do hardware optimization for my projects. No, I don't go to the mountains or beaches to mine bauxite, chalcopyrite, hematite or silicates; though I have done fieldwork in Alicante, Cyprus and Dorset. Note to self: Airport security gets really confused when they see large groups of people each carrying different rocks, and each having a rock breaking tools. I select and assemble CPU, GPU, etc. together to make compute nodes. If I have the budget I link the nodes together to form a clusters. I usually run small simulations on my own clusters to check for robustness and stability before using them on proper HPCs

I have native fluency in English, Romanian and Mandarin and I am trying my best to remember French. Learning new human languages is the 2nd priority on my to do list, behind learning other programming languages.

If you've read until here, and if you appreciate my dry sense of humour, then I am really appreciative of your time spent!